Southern Utah Upholstery Cleaning
As kids spend more time indoors the next couple months, the upholstery in your southern Utah home is likely showing signs of it and needing a good, thorough cleaning. Summertime brings more people seeking refuge from the hundred degree weather by increasing their time spend inside the house. When residents of southern Utah do brave the heat, they most oftentimes return to their homes, and their delicate upholstery with wet, sandy or sweaty entrails. People aren’t always the ones to blame either for upholstery needing cleaning. Pets shed more fur during the summer months and more likely to leave evidence of their couch naps by the wads of pet hair on the upholstery. This is unsightly and unhealthy. Pet dander mixed with the extra dust and dirt is an allergen trap waiting to engulf the next unfortunate person to sit on your furniture unless it is cleaned frequently. HiCaliber of southern Utah knows all the different things that can happen to the upholstery of your furniture. We also know all the different ways and techniques to best restore and clean your upholstery to its original condition. For more information on cleaning of your upholstery call HiCaliber today at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at