Cleaning Pets From Upholstery
If your pet dog or cat has claimed a special corner of your couch as their own personal lounge room, cleaning evidence of your pets from the upholstery is probably needed. From pet hair to imbedded dirt dragged in from outside, that corner of your couch’s upholstery is sure to have signs of your pets frequent midday naps. HiCaliber of St. George can clean all types of upholstery from leather and cotton to microfiber and polyester. Not only can we get your couch to look as good as it did before Fido came along, you can rest assured knowing that dust, dirt and allergens are removed from the upholstery leaving you more at ease to relax on the couch yourself. Call HiCaliber today for all your upholstery needs at (435)674-9338 or visit us online at