Saint George Winter Insulation
The decreasing daylight hours and added chill in the air remind all residents in St. George that it is time to check our homes insulation in preparation for winter. Whether you heat your home through electricity, gas or stove, failure to inspect the insulation annually can cost homeowners dearly. As the extreme heat of summer finally passes, homeowners start to be comfortable again opening the power bill without fear of a financial blow only to have that bill spike again when freezing temperatures demand for us to use our heating system. By inspecting the insulation around your home, the spike in your winter bill will be dramatically lower than expected. The most common area for inadequate insulation for winter is in attics. Inspecting the quantity and quality of attic insulation along with checking and repairing weather stripping on attic doors and all exterior doors and windows of your home is like covering your home in a warm blanket, and tucking it in. If you would like your home inspected for proper insulation and weather stripping for winter, call HiCaliber of Saint Georg before the winter chill sets in at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at