Fireplace Wood Safety in Saint George
When looking for wood to burn in your fireplace during the upcoming Saint George winter, finding the best wood possible is important for effectiveness and safety. Many deciduous trees such as maple will burn easily but quickly. This will leave you constantly tending to your fireplace, which raises the chances of flying sparks and excess smoke escaping into your home. Evergreen wood such as pine burns slow and hot, however is can contain a higher amount of sap which will increase resin in chimneys, possibly leading to chimney fires. Hard woods such as oak will burn hot consistently, although they may be harder to get starter versus softer wood. While each type of wood you choose has its pros and cons, the main thing to remember when burning wood safely and effectively is to get wood that has been seasoned. This means that the wood was chopped at least six months ago and will contain less water content, leaving you with dry, easy to burn wood that smokes and smolders less. If you would like your fireplace or chimney inspected for safety such as resin buildup before making that first toasty fire, contact HiCaliber today at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at