Wool Carpet Cleaning In Southern Utah
Adding luxury and durability to your southern Utah home that comes from installing wool carpet may also add stress when it comes time for cleaning or repair. Wool carpet is highly durable yet is far more expensive that the popular nylon fabric today. Even though its strong and lush, wool carpet is not as popular in part because of its picky cleaning procedures. The most common problem with cleaning wool carpet is using too much water. Wool is highly absorbent and if an extensive amount of water is used, the wool carpet can take too long to dry leaving it susceptible to mildew. If you are worried about proper care and cleaning of your wool carpeting, call HiCaliber today. HiCaliber is experienced in all types of carpet cleaning and will use the proper cleaners, equipment and amount of moisture that each carpet type needs. Call HiCaliber today at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at http://www.hicaliber.biz