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1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Don’t Let the Roof Fall In…

As the weather warms it’s time to inspect your roofs for any damage done by the wet weather of last month. Small holes and cracks can lead to major damage. If water seeps in, it can run along rafters and other structures. Once it comes to a weakness in your ceiling or walls, watch out!…

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Common Problems A Water Damage Restoration Service Deals With

Water damage restoration services have hugely complex jobs. People often don’t think about how bad the damage can actually be caused by water. Often, we see a wet spot and think it will dry up, but we forget that the water goes into the very fabric of our home, making it unstable. Indeed, water damage…

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Fighting Allergies

One of the greatest advances in the past 75 years may be the heating, A/C system. Without a doubt, we live in much greater comfort than any that have come before us. Most of us probably don’t think much about them until something goes wrong. That might not be such a good idea. Even with…

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Do You Hate To Clean?

For many, cleaning is an unpleasant task. We do it not because we love to, but because we like a clean house or office. We also do it for sanitation – our health is important. Why not give yourself a break, at least once in a while. You can hire a professional service to come…

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Are You Prepared For Disaster? – A Quiz

Disaster’s in faraway places is bad enough…we don’t really like to think them. Perhaps it plays on our own fears of going through one ourselves. Chances are good, though, that everyone of us will suffer from a disaster at some point. There are a number of steps we can take to prepare against such an…

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How Clean is Clean?

Have you ever thought about the floor that you touch every day? Perhaps someone in your family sit, lays, or crawls on your carpet. In my family we have a number of ‘floor sitters.’ Did you know that your carpet acts as a giant filter. As air circulates and passes through the fibers pollutants, such…

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Looking to Build a New Home or Office?

If you are currently looking to construct a new building, whether it’s a home, a commercial building, or a church, why not build it with energy efficiency in mind? Families and organization spend a lot of money on utilities throughout the years. By building with energy efficient solutions, these costs can be greatly reduced. Energy…

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Choosing The Right Home Inspector

If you choose the wrong home inspector, it could cost you a lot more than just the fee you paid, and if you base your choice of inspectors on price alone, you could really be in trouble. Some folks spend countless hours, days, or even months looking for the perfect home, and then choose a…

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Energy Efficiency That Saves YOU Money

Energy prices continue to increase with no end in sight. Many people have had to cut back on many things, from travel to the temperature inside of their homes. There are a number of tricks that you can do to reduce your energy consumption in your home. Make sure to inspect your home every year…

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Give Your Home a New Feel

Do you wish that you could move into a brand-new home? Having a home that was built just for you is exciting. Everything is just the way you want it. There’s even that new smell to get you going. While many of us dream of such an event, it isn’t practical for most of us.…

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