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UT 84780

Posts by Summer Robertson

Chimney Cleaning in Southern Utah

Rising energy costs have compelled Southern Utah residents to use their fireplaces as an alternative source of heat, yet many forget about the important maintenance of chimney cleaning. The fireplace can be a great way to heat the house, though constant use of the chimney can accumulate creosote and soot. Like plaque on an artery,…

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Water Efficient Appliances

Saint George is going green with new water efficient appliances being installed in new and updated homes. The improved low-flow toilets use less than two gallons of water per flush compared to older models that may use three times that much. Switching to water efficient toilets, you may save your family thousands of gallons of…

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St. George Allergies and Duct Cleaning

This season in St. George is known for its rising pollen count making it the perfect time to have duct cleaning done to improve symptoms of seasonal allergies. Staying indoors during springtime blossoming may relieve some of your outside allergies, yet many of the microscopic allergens will still find their way into your home. Mixing…

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Southern Utah Education Growth

Dixie State College will break ground today for the new Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons Building  in  preparation of predicted growth for the education system in Southern Utah. According to the Utah System of Higher Education, the student count during the fall semester 2010 at Dixie State College was more than ten percent higher than…

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St. George Rain Repairs

With the larger than average amounts of rain that we received in St. George this year, now is the time to make repairs and prepare your rain gutters and spouts for future downpours. Excess rain, along with the high winds known to come through the St. George valley can strip the screws holding your rain…

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Weatherizing Windows in Southern Utah

With summer quickly approaching the Southern Utah area, weatherizing your windows in an important part of keeping your home cool. Windows are an easy place for the cool air of your home to escape from or for the warm air of outside to enter through. With the scorching heat of the St. George sun beating…

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St. George Attic Mold

With St. George being such a warm climate, do we need to worry about mold in our attics? The answer is “yes.“ A major cause of attic mold is from bathroom fans that do not properly remove humid air from houses. Now more than ever, with temperatures rising, the warm moist air from a bathroom…

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St. George Spring Cleaning for Carpets

With warmer weather in St. George comes spring cleaning, but have you given any thought to cleaning your carpets? When we think of spring cleaning we think of going through closets and drawers, de-junking everything we’ve hoarded away during the winter months. Maybe we use this time to throw the blinds open wide, spreading light…

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Southern Utah Homes

While our hearts go out to those affected by the recent tragedy in Japan, we wonder how well homes in Southern Utah would withstand an earthquake? As St. George residents, we are not in the dangerous Ring of Fire yet still vulnerable to potential earthquakes. We learn from Japan that although the tsunamis following the…

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Red Cross Month in Utah

March has been declared Red Cross month in the state of Utah. This month, a variety of preparedness, health and safety courses will be offered throughout the State.  The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and counsels victims of disasters, teaches lifesaving skills, supplies blood to area hospitals and supports military members and their families. The…

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