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Posts by hicaliber

Considerations When Hiring A Home Inspector

When having a home inspection performed, it is important to have a knowledgeable, reliable, and competent individual perform the inspection. The individual should have thorough knowledge of building practices as well as be up-to-date and current on local building codes. Most importantly, it is crucial to hire a professional that is licensed and certified to…

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Water Damage

Water damage can be deceptive. Water penetrates into structural cavities creating trapped pockets of saturation. The detection of water in these areas can often only be discovered with sophisticated moisture detection meters. Undetected moisture will continue to cause damage. This damage, at a minimum, will cause odors. Greater damage will surface when materials delaminate, shrink,…

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Mold Growth and Risk

Mold becomes a problem inside a home or business when there’s excessive humidity or moisture for an extended period of time. The problem can originate from sudden water releases, like a burst pipe or large spill that goes untreated, or from a chronic condition, such as a leaking roof or plumbing. Even high humidity or…

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Tips For Prolonging The Beauty Of Your Upholstery

You just bought furniture for the living room, so how do you maintain its fresh new appearance? To keep your furniture clean, it’s necessary to conduct routine maintenance, including periodic cleaning by a certified technician every one to two years. Furniture and fabric manufacturers recommend that consumers not wait until severe soiling occurs before cleaning…

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Tips for a Fresh Home

A survey commissioned by the IICRC indicates that 81 percent of U.S. homeowners agree that the health of their family is directly related to the cleanliness of floors in the home. While a key component to improving air quality is eliminating carpet and rug odors, which in many cases requires regularly cleaning these surfaces, only…

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5 Principles of Mold Remediation

There are five major principles of mold remediation as outlined by the IICRC. *Make sure safety and health precautions are taken by cleanup professionals and occupants. Mold-contaminated buildings can be associated with a number of health problems. Anyone involved in the mold remediation process must be protected from exposure through a combination of practices and…

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Your Professional Home & Office Cleaners

The days of a house cleaner with a mop, bucket and vacuum are over. Today a professional is entrusted with the care of a home, its furnishings and the health of its occupants. With the many new materials and surfaces being used in home décor, a professional house cleaner has a much broader range of…

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The Effects of Fire and Smoke on a Home

The fire trucks may be gone but without proper immediate response, the real damage and the costs are just beginning. To return your residential or commercial property to its pre-loss condition requires professional restoration. This is not the job for a do-it-yourself property owner. Professional restoration technicians know that damage increases and restoration costs escalate…

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Your Mesquite, Nevada Carpet Cleaner

New carpet can improve the appearance of any room, but how can carpet that is walked on every day continue looking new? To keep your carpet clean, it’s necessary to vacuum regularly with a strong, well-functioning and properly-filtered vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, due to traffic, children, pets and normal wear, carpet fibers inevitably become soiled, and…

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Indoor Air-Pollution

The air we breathe indoors is often dirtier and more polluted than the visible pollution we inhale outside. Heating ventilation and air conditioning systems have been shown to act as a collection source for a variety of contaminants that have the potential to negatively impact health. Indoor air-quality can cause such problems as asthma, respiratory…

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