Posts by hicaliber
It’s a crazy cold winter this year in Southern Utah…. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a product in your home that could save you between 10% & 40% on your utilities each month? Well, the product exists and is now available for your use! It is called SMARTFOILS. It’s a radiant-barrier product that can…
Read MoreCrime Scene Cleanup
Crime scenes are often highly-sensitive situations because threat to/ loss of human-life is regularly a contributing factor to necessary cleanup services. Often-times specialists are needed to perform restoration services following an incident, to restore conditions to pre-accident or pre-loss appearance and cleanliness. HiCaliber is the only company to call for restoration services on crime scenes.…
Read MoreChristmas Crafts for Kids
Looking for a fun and festive project to do with your kids? Check out this site for tons of great ideas. Have fun crafting!!
Read More7 Ways to Make a Carpet Cleaning Solution
Carpets and rugs can be a challenge to clean and remove stains. To save money and do it yourself, follow this link for suggestions for how to make a carpet cleaning solution.
Read MoreOdor Removal
Odor in homes and buildings arises from many sources that may include pet urine, disaster contaminates, moisture problems or just plain soil. Routine cleaning automatically removes the sources of general soiling odors. Pet urine decontamination normally requires more specialized deodorizing techniques. To remove musty odor associated with moisture, ultimately it’s important to identify and correct…
Read MoreWhy use a certified technician?
Professional restoration technicians understand the need for quick response. Immediate remediation is key to controlling any escalating costs. The longer the remediation is delayed, the higher the cost of restoration. Certified restorers have the knowledge to test materials and apply the restoration techniques required to return the items to their pre-loss condition. Look for the…
Read MoreWater Damage
Water damage can be deceptive. Water penetrates into structural cavities creating trapped pockets of saturation. The detection of water in these areas can often only be discovered with sophisticated moisture detection meters. Undetected moisture will continue to cause damage. This damage, at a minimum, will cause odors. Greater damage will surface when materials delaminate, shrink,…
Read MoreHiring A Carpet Cleaning Professional
If you find that no matter how much you vacuum, your carpet still does not look like it used to, it may be time for deep cleaning. While there are do-it-yourself cleaning methods on the marketing, hiring a professional is the safest, fastest and easiest options. Cleaning professionals who utilized CRI-certified carpet cleaning products as…
Read MoreCarpet and Health
CARPET KEEPS ALLERGENS OUT OF THE AIR Carpet acts like a trap, keeping dust and allergens out of the air we breathe. Simply put, what falls to the carpet (dust, pet dander and many other particulates that we breathe in) tends to stay trapped in the carpet until it is removed through vacuuming or extraction…
Read MoreProtect Your Carpet Color
In addition to frequent vacuuming, its important to clean your carpet on a regular basis. Cleaning systems will remove the oily, sticky soil that vacuums can’t take out, and will help keep your carpet looking great over time. Cleaning systems target the soils that result from cooking vapors, air pollution, and tracked-in dirt. The particles…
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