Posts by hicaliber
Do You Know What Lives in Your Carpet?
Keep Your Carpet Clean in St. George, UT… Up to 80% of all dust in your home is made of dead human skin. Skin that serves as food for the dust mite. Dust mites are not the same thing as bed bugs. Dust mites don’t eat blood. This Critter is Everywhere In fact, it’s impossible…
Read MoreDo You Live in an Older Home?
If you live in a home that was built before 1976, chances are that asbestos was used in its construction. But how do you know for sure? You can purchase an asbestos testing kit for around $90-$100. This will give you a pretty good indication. However, for more accurate results, it’s best to turn to…
Read MoreMold – A Hidden Danger
Does your home smell musty or like mildew? These are signs that you have a mold problem. But they’re not the only one. If you feel sick all the time, especially if you have constant headaches, stomach aches, or are feeling run down all the time, you could be suffering from mold. Mold can pose…
Read MoreHigh Utility Bills
Do your monthly utility bills keep going up, up, up? Are you considering turning down your thermostat and wearing your coat inside? There are a number of factors causing this spike in cost. A colder than normal winter Rising energy costs Other factors could be An old furnace Leaks in your home If you suspect…
Read MoreWhat to Look For From a Carpet Cleaning Company
When it comes to carpet cleaning, you have many choices. So, what do you do? Do you look for the cheapest? After all, all companies are pretty much the same aren’t they? I mean, they all clean your carpets. Well, the answer is actually, a surprising no. There are different cleaning methods. Some companies use…
Read MoreHow to Extend the Life of Your Carpet
Replacing carpeting can be very costly, starting at about $.50 per square foot for anyone brave enough to install their own carpet. And that’s for the really cheap carpet. Stuff that you might find in an office setting. For good quality residential carpet the average range is about $2.00 – $4.00 per square foot. If…
Read MoreDon’t Let the Roof Fall In…
As the weather warms it’s time to inspect your roofs for any damage done by the wet weather of last month. Small holes and cracks can lead to major damage. If water seeps in, it can run along rafters and other structures. Once it comes to a weakness in your ceiling or walls, watch out!…
Read MoreFighting Allergies
One of the greatest advances in the past 75 years may be the heating, A/C system. Without a doubt, we live in much greater comfort than any that have come before us. Most of us probably don’t think much about them until something goes wrong. That might not be such a good idea. Even with…
Read MoreDo You Hate To Clean?
For many, cleaning is an unpleasant task. We do it not because we love to, but because we like a clean house or office. We also do it for sanitation – our health is important. Why not give yourself a break, at least once in a while. You can hire a professional service to come…
Read MoreAre You Prepared For Disaster? – A Quiz
Disaster’s in faraway places is bad enough…we don’t really like to think them. Perhaps it plays on our own fears of going through one ourselves. Chances are good, though, that everyone of us will suffer from a disaster at some point. There are a number of steps we can take to prepare against such an…
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