Air Filter Maintenance in Saint George
The air filter in your Saint George home requires frequent maintenance and ignoring this may cause future problems with your heating and cooling units. Most air filters directions will say to clean or replace every one to three months, however with high southern Utah winds bringing in extra dust and pollen, that maintenance will need to happen more often. Leaving a dirty filter in can cause damage to your heating and cooling system by allowing particles to pass by the filter, adhering to the units themselves. Not only can this cause damage to the units, it can also pose a fire risk. If you are concerned about whether or not you have been maintaining your air filters properly call HiCaliber today. HiCaliber can come and inspect your filters and air ducts to see if duct cleaning is necessary and provide you with a fresh start to filtering your home’s air. After a thorough duct cleaning, inspect your air filters once a week to check for dust buildup and change when necessary. To schedule a duct cleaning and inspection call us at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at